1. Master Thesis
- Thesis topic: Transforming Automobile Shredder Residue (ASR) into Valuable Byproduct by Microwave Plasma
- Doi: https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu202201053
- Abstract:
End-of-life vehicle waste has received a lot of attention from governments all over the world because it contains hazardous wastes that directly affect the environment and people when treated only by landfilling, without any preprocessing. The disposal of end-of-life vehicles (ELVs) produces a heterogeneous high-molecular-weight waste stream of automotive shredder residue (ASR). Heat treatment is one method that has aided recyclers, but the waste mix contains chlorine and metals that may cause problems with standard incinerator equipment. As a result, this study employs microwave plasma technology to conduct ASR experiments, and ASR can be converted into energy gases such as CH4, H2 CO and CO2 using plasma technology. The best efficiency of synthesis gas was synthesized under ideal circumstances using 25% CaCO3, 25% chicken bone, 1000 W of power energy, and 7 L.min-1 of nitrogen carrier gas, precisely 2.09 % H2, 0.92 % CO, 0.3 % CH4, and 0.19% CO2. When CaCO3 and chicken bone were employed as supports, the capacity of heavy metal removal rates and VOCs removal were likewise maximal. The data clearly suggests that catalysts have a significant impact. SEM analysis was used to confirm that the surface performance of the materials differed following microwave plasma. XRD and FTIR measurements were also used to confirm the crystallinity of the ASR sample before and after microwave plasma.
Keywords: End-life vehicles (ELVs), Automobile Shredder Residue (ASR), Microwave Plasma Technology, Syngas