The Environmental Protection Agency announced today the list of the 14th EIA members, including 7 members in the field of living environment, 5 members in the field of natural environment, 2 members in the field of social environment and other 14 experts and scholars. The staff of the department (division) and above of the five ministries (departments), including the Agricultural Committee, the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the National Development Committee, serve concurrently (including non-supervisors of the same level and above), taking into account gender equality and professional fields from August 1, 2021 to July 31, 2023.
From June 1st to June 15th, 2021, the Environmental Protection Agency publicly accepted the recommendations of experts, scholars and members of the 14th EIA Committee from all walks of life. A total of 32 institutions (units) were recommended, and 61 people were recommended, including 22 women and 39 males.
The Environmental Protection Agency explained that Article 4, Paragraph 1 of the "Organizational Regulations of the Environmental Impact Assessment Review Committee of the Environmental Protection Agency of the Executive Yuan" is abbreviated as "The gender ratio of all members shall not be less than one-third"; The term of office is 2 years; among them, experts and scholars can be re-appointed for one consecutive term, and the number of seats for each re-appointment shall not be less than one-half of the number of such committee members." and gender ratios.
Prof. Ya-Fen Wang相關連結: EPA announces list of 14th EIA members - Taiwan EPA